Friday, February 28, 2020

Lady Mary Worley Turkish Embassy letters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Lady Mary Worley Turkish Embassy letters - Essay Example ’Tis very easy to see they have more liberty than we have†. (Montagu 1718, XXIX). Turkish ladies must cover themselves from head to toe whenever they leave the house. This conceals their identity, leaving them free to undertake whatever activities they desire. The women conduct affairs while never revealing their identity to their lovers. The idea of women conducting extra-marital affairs was taboo in Western society at the time. The writer remarks that the difference in religion aids this. Islam does not preach punishment for marital infidelities, unlike Christianity. The women are free to conduct their affairs without moral guilt or fear of discovery. She challenges the conception that Islam oppresses women by stating that it does not preach damnation and hellfire for women who have affairs. The writer describes Turkish women as â€Å"the freest on earth†. The writer redefines the concept of the veil, a symbol of oppression and restriction to Westerners. The vei l sets the women free, giving them much more freedom than their Western counterparts. Turkish husbands dare not marry four wives even though their religion allows it. This contradicts the popular view that Islamic custom favors men by allowing polygamy. The women have the power to prevent the men from taking up extra wives. Turkish women own property, with some of them accumulating vast wealth. Women owning property was unheard of in England. Turkish women command respect from the men and are the last word in household affairs. They do not tolerate infidelity in their husbands; any man who desires a mistress has to keep it secret. Another strange custom the writer observes pertains to divorce. When a man who had divorced his wife wants her back, he has to let her spend a night with another man. This contradicts another popular notion that Islamic men wield all the power in divorce. The divorce must be thoroughly thought out and not done on a whim. The consequences of divorcing on wh im are painful for the man who wants his wife back. The writer once more challenges the view of Islamic women as oppressed. The women conduct marital affairs yet the men cannot. This is a reversal of Western culture where sexual expression was allowed in men but frowned upon in women. The women have their own private space, the harems, where men cannot interfere. They are waited upon by slaves and live lavish, pampered lives. In one of many descriptions of the lavish life in Turkey, Montagu writes; â€Å"The sofas were covered with cushions and rich carpets on which sat the ladies† (Montagu 1718, XXVI). The women have everything they desire and more. The quality of their lives is better than that of their Western counterparts. In letter XXVI, the writer narrates her experience in a Turkish bathhouse. The experience can only be described by a woman, as no men are allowed inside them on pain of death. She describes the mannerisms of the women there as courteous, pleasant and we lcoming. She contrasts them with women back home who are snide, spiteful and disdainful. The reception she gets from the Turkish women is nothing short of civil. Her visits to the wives of the grand vizier and the sultan reinforce the notion of courtesy, kindness and civility in Turkish women.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Managing Financial Resources in Health and Social Care Assignment

Managing Financial Resources in Health and Social Care - Assignment Example Principles of Costing and Business Control Systems May Be Adopted in BUPA The strategy of any company depends on a number of risks and uncertainties. Emphasising this particular concern, BUPA has engaged efficient risk managers who are bestowed with the responsibility to improve the credibility of the organisation in mitigating risks within the business environment. A proper costing requires sources from its stakeholders including the non-financial staff members. In this process, the staff members associated in different fields of operations can also contribute in the accurate computation of effective costing. Thus, staff members from within and outside the finance department must also be engaged, being stakeholders of the company, in order to identify the accuracy and relevancy of costing in the organisation as per the Principle 1 of NHS Approved Costing Guidance 2013 (Monitor, 2013). BUPA must also adopt this approach throughout the organisation in a consistent manner. This approac h will help the organisation to analyze the various accounting method such as cost submission and comparison as per the Principle 2 of NHS Approved Costing Guidance 2013. The costing principle, that is Principle 3, must be very much accurate in terms of its data. BUPA must be conscious of the accuracy of the data such as patient’s data, clinical staff’s performance data and the data of the trial balance or ledger of the organisation. The costing principle of BUPA must be oriented towards the material costs as per the Principle 4 of NHS Approved Costing Guidance 2013. It must focus on the high costs material, accuracy to be required for costing purposes and calculate the expenditure required in the material costs of the organisation. The costing principle must be based on the needs of the patients. In a health care organisation, the needs of the patients must be understood to enable effective costs. This understanding will improve the relation between the health workers and patients and in return create a positive impact on the financial aspect of the organisation following Principle 5 of NHS Approved Costing Guidance 2013. Again as per principle 6 of NHS Approved Costing Guidance 2013, every organisation must adopt a transparent costing system. It provides the organisation with complete assurance and develops the trustworthiness of the resources which will promote the workers with greater service delivery to their patients (Monitor, 2013). 1.2. Main Heads/ Income for BUPA in Last Financial Year The total attributable equity to the holders of the parent company of BUPA Care homes was recorded to be ?333,070,000. The major heads of income for BUPA in the last financial year were the economic capital, operational activities, funding and reserves for financial and taxation expenses. It is worth to be noted in this context that BUPA always maintains a proper capital so that it can be utilised to meet the organisational liabilities in the coming future and thereby preserve the liquidity of the company. Similarly, the other head in the income statement of BUPA can be identified as the funding generated by the company, which signifies the liquidity of BUPA and the availability of funds at any time of requirement. Notably, BUPA prepares its financial statement in accordance with the guidelines prescribed under the International Financial Reporting Standards, which in turn helps to give a true and